Role of COVID-19 in the development of socialist consciousness
COVID-19; class consciousness; corporate nation; capitalism; dataAbstract
This argumentative essay is oriented to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the continuity of the capitalist system in the world, opening ways for the COVID-19 to awaken and strengthen the revolutionary and socialist consciousness that contributes to weaken the adversary of the working class. It is based on a documentary review, which allowed to evidence how through the data the accumulation of capital in the hands of billionaires is combined, and the coincidences of the covid-19 occur in the great capitalist countries. This shows that this system of inequality points to the continued enrichment of the large monopolies and the opposite must happen in order to balance planet Earth. Therefore, one must be prepared to act consciously to and contribute to control the capitalist system through socialist consciousness, achieving that international public law recovers from the attacks produced by the government of the United States of America, which has become a corporate coalition, representative of its large corporations. It concludes with data that show that everything that disturbs American capitalism, such as corporate capitalism, makes it aggressive and an enemy of the interests of humanity, because it, by leaving the different world pacts, has ceased to be a nation that respects other nations, and claims for itself all the privileges. The American superpower is showing that it is being surrounded, both by its capitalist competitors and by the supporters of a different, more humane world.
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