Proposal for symmetry of scientific research and intellectual creation in post-pandemic communities COVID-19



Scientific research; academy; symmetry; intellectual creation; communities; intellectual creation


This work aims to propose a symmetry of scientific research and intellectual creation in communities in postpandemia COVID-19. It is based on the fact that the development of scientific research and intellectual creation in the communal sectors is a strategy that must be considered in the state of Pospandemia COVID-19 will allow to develop in the country processes oriented towards the improvement of the greeting and the improving health economic and socio-productive sector. This involves starting with the creation of a platform for the promotion of scientific research activities carried out by the people of the communal sectors, within the structure of communal organization, creating a strategic plan for information and training of new researchers, to achieve the progress and development of effective strategies and projects that allow to face coexistence in pandemic. In Venezuela there is a great potential for knowledge in communities capable of articulating to generate a new way of doing research in situ It also allows to have a worldview of the development of research in communities with a space-time design based on a periodic symmetry of internal self-likeness that evolves three-dimensionally according to its key elements such as: Human Talent (Researchers and Innovators), Interrelation of research networks between Communities, Research Centers and Universities and University Academic Development through socio-productive projects. Under these elements each community must be transformed in the future into a Centre for Social Research, Health, Innovation, Production and Scientific as part of the community structure.


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How to Cite

Mogollon, L., & Chalbaud, E. (2023). Proposal for symmetry of scientific research and intellectual creation in post-pandemic communities COVID-19. Observador Del Conocimiento, 5(3), 151–159. Retrieved from



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