Modern epistemical thinking and the production of school knowledge


  • Nancy Boscán Secretaría del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación


Epistemic thought, knowledge production, school system


This article reveals some of the findings of the doctoral thesis entitled Revolutionary Praxis in Pedagogical Management at the primary education level of the Venezuelan Historical Time Education System (1999-2017) presented at the UBV. This article seeks to explain the hegemonic epistemic models of Education and Research. For this, the theoretical contributions of: Mignolo (2008), Wallerstein (2000), Lander (2000), Manen (2003), Moscovici (1987), Agnés (1970), Vasconi (1971) among others were considered. As a methodological route the Socio-Critical Current was considered as Gramsci (1975) refers to it with the respective theoretical tension as the first theoretical contribution of the Doctoral thesis in question. As a first finding, a Pedagogical proposal was achieved that explains the modern conception of knowledge and its structure for the understanding of the problem of science, more specifically the impact it has had and has the modern conception of knowledge previously described in a pedagogical way in the critical approach paid by Mignolo, Wallerstein and Dussel for the understanding of the problem of Venezuelan School Science and Management in the search for a better educational quality, so it is necessary to understand how these historically hegemonic ideologies have modeled science throughout the world leading to the construction of decontextualized educational models of their roots stories and that in Gramsci's voice have been created as ideological devices for their perpetuation against the progressive Peoples of Latin America and how Venezuela did not escape from this reality.


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How to Cite

Boscán, N. (2023). Modern epistemical thinking and the production of school knowledge. Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(2), 132–139. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación