Human talent management for entrepreneurship from the public adminstracion in Venezuela



Human talent management, entrepreneurship, capacities, public administration


This essay, of an explanatory nature, aims to analyze entrepreneurship in the Venezuelan public administration and entrepreneurship. These have positioned themselves as one of the most important issues of the government in the last two years, linking to the political agenda. Thus, the State decrees the Law for the Promotion and Development of New Ventures and calls for the articulation of public sector actors responsible for administrative procedures, financing, training and other relevant aspects for the development of the entrepreneurial sector. In this sense, the management of human talent in the public sphere represents an important aspect to support this purpose. Therefore, the management of human talent has become a strategic pillar of public management, contributing to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the environment and to develop ventures or generate changes, transformations that have a favorable impact on public servants. Finally, the conclusive arguments of this essay translate that the management of human talent is a determining area to promote entrepreneurship from within institutions, given the need to humanize the exit of people and creating an entrepreneurial spirit that allows them to separate themselves from an employment relationship and undertake a different path for their integral well-being.


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Author Biography

Iliana Flores, Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

Iliana Flores
Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación


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How to Cite

Flores, I. (2022). Human talent management for entrepreneurship from the public adminstracion in Venezuela . Observador Del Conocimiento, 7(2), 90–99. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación