Variations on the topic of relevant development problems


  • Xavier Isaac Zuleta Ibargüen Bolivarian University of Venezuela


Problems, development, bolivariana revolution


In this paper a retrospective view is presented on the basis of the topic of "relevant development problems" addressed in a seminar at the IVEPLAN Venezuelan Planning Institute in 1993, where aspects related to the international global situation, oil and other factors development constraints. After 25 years, it can be seen how the circumstances and the vision of the evolution of the situation have changed in that period, highlighting the impact of the Bolivarian Revolution on the changes operated, as well as the strong reaction it generates on behalf of the Bolivarian Revolution. the power factors at both the international and the national levels, highlighting how the solution to the relevant problems of development entails the confrontation and struggle of powers analogous to the process that was experienced in the war of independence of Latin America.


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How to Cite

Zuleta Ibargüen, X. I. (2023). Variations on the topic of relevant development problems. Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(1), 139–145. Retrieved from



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