Management addresses of cultura at the university level: a transforming perspective


  • Ludy Josefina Sánchez Almao Martin Luther King National Experimental University


management culture, transformation


The purpose of this study was to generate a theoretical approach about the management of the culture in the university context, transforming from a holistic perspective. The research process was based on the qualitative approach, with a pop-up menu, and paradigmatic position based on the phenomenology. In order to contrast the information, we used the comparative method proposed by Strauss and Corbin (1998) and Martinez Miguélez (1998), By integrating all that baggage of knowledge that emerged from the voices of each key informant, it was confirmed that the addresses of culture are essential in the life of the public and private universities in Venezuela.Principio del formulario



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How to Cite

Sánchez Almao, L. J. (2023). Management addresses of cultura at the university level: a transforming perspective. Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(1), 146–154. Retrieved from



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