Blastocystis spp. and other enteroparasites in people attending the urban ambulatory type ii IPASME – Barinas


  • José R. Vielma National Experimental University Sur del Lago "Jesús María Semprum".
  • Isbery F. Pérez Universidad Nacional Experimental Sur del Lago “Jesús María Semprum”
  • María L. Vegas Institute of Social Welfare and Assistance of the Ministry of Education (IPASME)
  • Yunasaiki Reimi Institute of Social Welfare and Assistance of the Ministry of Education (IPASME)
  • Silverio Díaz University of the Andes (ULA)
  • Luis V. Gutiérrez National Experimental University Sur del Lago "Jesús María Semprum"


Intestinal parasites, Blastocystis spp, prevalence, Barinas municipio, IPASME


In order to determine the prevalence of enteroparasites in the Institute of Social Welfare and Assistance of the Ministry of Education (IPASME) Barinas, a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was conducted on a total of 823 stool samples from people aged 0 to 86 years, between February and July 2011 (18,106 coproparasitoscopic and clinical findings). From the total of samples evaluated by direct examination (0.85% of physiological saline, lugol, methylene blue and Quensel) and modified Kato - Katz, 37.79% were found parasitized, highlighting the pathogenic protozoa: Blastocystis spp. (21.63%), Giardia duodenalis (2.31%), Entamoeba histolytica / Entamoeba dispar (1.46%); commensal protozoa: Endolimax nana (8.02%), Entamoeba coli (4.86%) and a lower proportion of helminths: Ascaris lumbricoides (0.04%). There were differences in relation to sex and the main groups affected were children (0 - 9 years old, Χ2 = 23,853; OR = 3,205; CI = 2,597 - 3,955) and adults 30 - 39 years old (Χ2 = 7,551; OR = 3,243; CI = 1,743 - 6,035), due to inadequate sanitary conditions and difficult access to drinking water. The insistence on the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of health education and basic environmental sanitation standards for the inhabitants of the city of Barinas is necessary in order to address the problem of transmission of intestinal parasites and associated diseases.


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How to Cite

Vielma, J. R., Pérez, I. F., Vegas , M. L., Reimi, Y., Díaz, S., & Gutiérrez, L. V. (2024). Blastocystis spp. and other enteroparasites in people attending the urban ambulatory type ii IPASME – Barinas. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(2), 100–109. Retrieved from


