Environmental problems of the Portuguese state


  • Mari Vargas National Experimental University of the Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ)
  • Arlene Rodríguez National Experimental University of the Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora (UNELLEZ)


Environmental degradation, environmental management, Portuguese


The critical environmental problem in the 14 municipalities of the state of Portuguesa, merits a technical, socio-community and institutional approach given the relevance of its agricultural activity and its impact on the country's food security. To this end, the strategic planning methodology was applied to a desirable 2020 scenario. In the first phase, IICA carried out a physical and environmental characterization of the region over an area of 15,200 km2. Four physiographic zones were identified: mountains, foothills, high plains and low plains, in which flat relief predominates (70%), with average annual rainfall of 1460 mm and temperatures ranging from 22 to 26 ºC. The estimated population is 900,000 inhabitants, concentrated in an urban and rural area of 65% and 35% respectively. Among the 17 problems found in the various municipalities, non-compliance with the land use plan, solid waste management, 'contamination of water bodies (rivers and reservoirs); soil degradation and loss of biodiversity mainly in the upper basins prevail. It is concluded that the most relevant socio-environmental problem is the lack of knowledge on the part of the authorities regarding environmental management, together with the absence of citizen awareness, which leads to a culture of ethics and co-responsibility in the adequate management of natural resources.


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XV Jornadas Técnicas de Investigación Vicerrectorado deProducción Agrícola UNELLEZ - Guanare, estado Portuguesa.



How to Cite

Vargas , M., & Rodríguez, A. (2024). Environmental problems of the Portuguese state. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(2), 133–140. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/358


