Experiences Of Using Free Software Tools In Projects Sociotechnological National Training Program In Compute


  • Elías Cisneros Sucre Mission
  • Juan Cisneros Sucre Mission
  • Ramón Rengifo Sucre Mission


free software, software engineering, technology project partner, online teaching


The National Program for Training in Information Technology (PNFI) aims to train human talent in the area of information technology to leverage the policies of technological independence of the nation, promote the development of computer solutions using free software with open standards and improve the productivity of the state. In the face of this challenge of massification, it is necessary to have the support of the Information and Communication Technologies. The experiences presented in this article are part of the Sociotechnological Project Curricular Unit III of the PNFI at the University College of Caracas (CUC). Surveys, documentary review and direct observation were used to make a diagnosis of the current situation. Characteristics of the PNFI student population are described, experiences in the use of tools to support learning are presented, and the tools used in the Software Engineering disciplines are listed. Among the conclusions are the possibility of applying a model of semi-presential studies, improving student follow-up and promoting collaborative work. It is suggested to start a project to have an official system of learning management in the CUC.


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How to Cite

Cisneros, E., Cisneros, J., & Rengifo, R. (2024). Experiences Of Using Free Software Tools In Projects Sociotechnological National Training Program In Compute. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(1), 46–53. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/368


