E-government model for mayors in the context of the interoperability
E-government, business modeling, management, Community CouncilsAbstract
The mayor's offices are the entities that govern the municipalities, as expressed in Article 168 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. They must satisfy secondary needs, such as social needs, directed to the communities; needs that are channeled through the Communal Councils, instances that allow the participation and integration between the citizens and the diverse community organizations. The mayor's offices in the State of Monagas, specifically those of Maturín, Caripe and Bolívar, do not have automated applications that allow for the channeling and timely response to the Communal Councils, much less systems that work within the framework of interoperability. The general objective of this research was to design an e-government model for municipalities within the framework of interoperability, which would allow for timely, real-time responses to the needs of the Communal Councils. The research is of a descriptive type with documentary design. For the development of the proposal, the BMM business modeling methodology was used and the result was a model that represents the ideal of the interoperable operation of these organizations. As a conclusion, it can be indicated that the proposal will allow the entities involved and the citizens in general to acquire the foundations.
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