Architecture to survey the Science and Technology Indicators in Venezuela. Towards Ibero-American and Latin American cooperation



Architecture, science and technology indicators, capacities, public politics, cooperation


Having appropriate indicators that account for the level and qualitative and quantitative aspects of scientific and technological activities (ACT) has been of great interest in recent times as a result of the importance they have for the economic and social development of society. . As well as the need to administer them, allocate resources, formulate policies and evaluate the effects of their execution. Therefore, its design, construction and discussion as an element of diagnosis and functionality according to the convenient parameters to be surveyed, alludes as the purpose of this research to generate an architecture to survey the Science and Technology Indicators (S&T) in Venezuela within the framework of cooperation Ibero-American and Latin-American. In this sense, to achieve this purpose, the methodology used under a documentary design was based on the complex systemic perspective, where the organized global unity of interrelationships between elements, actions or individuals is admitted, which transcends the fragmented look of the data, thus as the linear input and output of the same, and descends to the framework of the process where the problem itself lies. In this way, among the resulting and conclusive aspects, the generation of a dynamic, flexible and intelligent architecture to assess the S&T Indicators in the country was highlighted; and, in this way, contribute the concepts of these indicators and the surveyed capacities that guide the formulation of Venezuelan public policies, the strengthening of the National Science and Technology System, as well as contribute to the visibility of statistics in the framework of cooperation iberoamerican and latinamerican.


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Author Biographies

Wilfredo Guerra, Universidad de Oriente

Wilfredo, Guerra
Universidad de Oriente
orcid: 0000-0003-2393-2604

Víctor Cabezuelo García, Universidad de Oriente

Víctor, Cabezuelo García
Universidad de Oriente
orcid: 0000-0003-1437-3513

Prudencio Chacón, Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez

Prudencio, Chacón
Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez
orcid: 0000-0001-7852-6377
Caracas- Venezuela

Luis Marcano González, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Luis, Marcano González
Universidad Central de Venezuela
orcid: 0000-0002-1094-1328

Dilia Margarita Monasterio González, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Dilia Margarita, Monasterio González
Universidad Central de Venezuela
orcid: 0000-0002-4341-5850


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How to Cite

Guerra, W., Cabezuelo García, V., Chacón, P., Marcano González, L., & Monasterio González, D. M. (2023). Architecture to survey the Science and Technology Indicators in Venezuela. Towards Ibero-American and Latin American cooperation. Observador Del Conocimiento, 6(4), 43–57. Retrieved from

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