Formulation of public policies in the context of a hybrid war Case: Emigration. Innovate in the union



Venezuelan emigration, public policies, hybrid war|, pandemic, union


This article addresses the dynamics and factors linked to emigration flows from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the last eight years. Starting from the antecedents in the 21st century, it is framed a hybrid war waged by the government of the United States of America by declaring Venezuela a threat to its national security and set of actions carried out by the greatest military power that has existed in the history of humanity with geopolitical allies, through the ally with other governments that include a long list of unilateral coercive actions and uses of multilateral organizations, all with the manifest intention of preventing the normal functioning of the State, its institutions and exerting pressure on the population, affecting their quality of life. The article review the general approach of public policies and their eventual effectiveness, and also assess uses of emergencies and tensions produced by the Pandemic derived from Covid-19 that exploited the imperial strategy to deepen the afflictions of the population. It described migration from Venezuela with global data. The similarity with other migratory processes is studied, including specific and differentiating aspects of this singular phenomenon, from the point of view of “Empire” by Negri and Hardt and the current changes in the social process of work in the framework of digital transformation. Taken over, the thought of Deleuze-Guattari and Negri Hardt, the controversy found between the narrative of the State and the economic foundation that occurs during argue of the nation-state and the corporate-focused state. Starting from the specifics of Venezuela, research in development proposes ways to approach the union of Venezuelans through innovative public policies.


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Author Biography

Milthon J. Chávez, Centro de Estudios para la Seguridad y Desarrollo Integral (CESDI)

Milthon J. Chávez
Centro de Estudios para la Seguridad
y Desarrollo Integral (CESDI)
orcid: 0000-0001-5626-1195


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How to Cite

Chávez, M. J. (2023). Formulation of public policies in the context of a hybrid war Case: Emigration. Innovate in the union. Observador Del Conocimiento, 6(3), 118–133. Retrieved from



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