Social innovation for transformation and innova- tors in Venezuela: an analysis methodology
Science; technology; innovation; social movementsAbstract
This paper proposes a method for analyzing the information collected in the National Registry of Innovators and Technologists, in order to account for the demands made at the present time when the communalization of Public Management is implemented. In this sense, the analysis of the distribution of the Registry data at the state level would be carried out by social segments to determine their characteristics, which can be inferred from their responses in terms of reported technological products or projects that could serve to meet current challenges. The objective of this methodology is to support the actions of differential confinement of several areas of the country by the effects of the Sindemia that could come from the processes of innovation and technological inventiveness at the local level and even more, with the imperious validity of deepening the decentralization process of the Venezuelan State with the development of Special Economic Zones.All these challenges lead to organize the data collected in geographic entities smaller than a state, giving account of a series of findings that denote these particularities, synergies and complementarities and even allow to evaluate the effects of an advanced fragmentation of the work of innovators and technologists, managing to design with them strategies for integration. Likewise, other innovative findings could be obtained to help establish new intra-urban delimitations for development actions such as the Communal Cities guaranteeing, with the contributions of innovators and technologists, the public services of fuel supply, electricity, telecommunications, food, medicines and other supports that now need to be supplied locally within each city.
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