Phenomenological approach in the human sciences, research and innovation



Phenomenological approach, epistemology, research and innovation


This essay is aimed at understanding and interpreting the phenomenological approach during the research process in the search for new knowledge on a subject studied and its influence on research and innovation in the educational area, considering the most significant basic foundations related to its epistemology and the meaning of phenomenology as a philosophical current of the 20th century, represented from the philosophical positions of its main representatives Husserl and Heidegger. In addition, it is explained how the phenomenological approach is important for the researcher, as it encompasses not only the research process but also innovation, which leads to the generation of important theories for the knowledge of the human being from their experiences, experiences and previous knowledge. It is important to highlight that the phenomenal perspective is born from the reality that human beings live and experience, for its base it is based on the knowledge acquired throughout their lives, hence these experiences and experiences emerge from everyday life and the experience of their way of being, being, knowing and seeing the world; hence the importance of this phenomenal approach and its impact on research management and innovation.


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How to Cite

Suárez, E. (2022). Phenomenological approach in the human sciences, research and innovation. Observador Del Conocimiento, 7(4), 96–109. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación