Archetypal Holo in the attitude of the leader in COVID-19 times
Archetype; archetypal figures; archetypal representations; leaderAbstract
This article aims to develop the theme of the archetype in the organizations that make life in the Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Núcleo Puerto Cabello (UNEFA NPC), as an academic purpose it tries to describe the archetypal representations during the COVID-9 pandemic in the management staff of the UNEFA NPC and the directive staff of the institutions that have agreements in UNEFA NPC, the diagnosis phase of the actions and procedure carried out in the face of the pandemic situation is described. In the same way, it is about knowing the characteristics defined in the archetypal representations. As theoretical referents, it is based on the psychoanalytic-Jungian approach, description of the collective unconscious, dominant social paradigm and human exceptionalist paradigm, and finally the archetype. The methodology is based on a quantitative paradigm, descriptive research level, observational, deductive and inductive method, documentary field design, for data collection the technique of direct participatory observation is used, the questionnaire modality survey, documentary review and digital. The questionnaire is applied to 31 individuals with functions of direction, control and authority, who are directly present in the organization, as a result the diagnosis of the archetypal characteristics of the individuals was obtained, as well as the percentage classification of the archetypes, and Dominant, latent and regressive archetypes are presented, as a deduction the research subjects present characteristics and dominant archetypal representations based on the social and organizational structure, defined in actions of control and order, as well as, orientation to the individual himself.
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