Evaluation of an existing electrical installation for an Energy Saving And Efficiency Project
Saving, audit, energy, efficiency, inmoticsAbstract
The main objective of this research is to evaluate the existing electrical installation in the northern area of the Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Falcón “Alonso Gamero” (UPTAG), in order to establish a project for saving and efficient use of electrical energy. To this end, an energy audit was carried out in the pilot area. It was also proposed to identify the engineering criteria that lead to energy savings on the equipment analyzed in the audit, in order to introduce inmotics in the university premises, and thus change the way of operating the current equipment. The research is framed in a positivist paradigm, with an empirical approach, and the design is quantitative. The evaluation of the existing electrical installation in the northern area of UPTAG, applying an energy audit, and also proposing the replacement of lamps and the optimization and automation of the electrical system, allowed us to endorse that the implementation of inmotic devices will allow the reduction of electrical energy consumption by 21.42%. That is, it would decrease from 61,754.40 kWh/month to 48,525.17 kWh/month. These devices will be able to control the loads of air conditioners and lighting (internal and external) reducing the hourly usage band to 12:45 hrs effective. Additionally, there will be a decrease in the system’s active and apparent power values, 248.62 kW and 310.78 kVA respectively.
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