Open Science: Some Aspects Related to Intellectual Property



Intellectual property; open cience; patents; Copyright; knowledge


The patent is defended as an instrument that encourages scientific development, benefiting society by generating useful products and services that improve the quality of life of people, thus generating scientific and technological progress and development. This concept has remained unchanged over time. However, with the passing of time the same regulatory norms of these rights have incorporated provisions that seek to curb the abusive effects of this monopoly originated by patents, likewise, movements have emerged that seek a balance between what science should be and what is at the service of the people. In particular, Open Science emerges as an alternative for collaboration, inclusion and transparency; this movement is of recent date and is still under construction. This work illustrates several scenarios where important aspects of two apparently antagonistic issues are highlighted


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How to Cite

Alvarez Miquelena, M. G. (2023). Open Science: Some Aspects Related to Intellectual Property. Observador Del Conocimiento, 5(4), 86–99. Retrieved from



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