Scope of social networks in the construction of a citizen science
Citizen science; knowledge; networks; science; technology; innovationAbstract
This argumentative essay aims to analyze the scope of social networks in open science and its contribution to the construction of citizen science. Both terms intertwined will allow, as UNESCO, 2017 says, “… to combine various movements and practices so that knowledge, methods, data and scientific evidence are freely available and accessible to all” (page 5) . This work was based on a review of the literature related to the subject and on the set of data that have been emerging as a result of the open science and citizen science movement. This made it possible to determine two conceptual dimensions: information and communication technologies from the social point of view and Citizen Science or Cyber Science, for which the proposals of authors, documents and materials that have led to reflections in this field of study were addressed. From the analysis, the following conclusive ideas emerged: a) science, knowledge and technology are the basis for the construction of citizen science: b) citizen science, with the participation of citizens, who are generally not researchers, contribute with their collaboration in solving questions raised in scientific studies. (EcuRed, 2020); c) the practice of citizen science, encourages the formation of knowledge, skills and attitudes, go to the desired change in attitude and aptitude towards science. It is expected that the voices of citizens, with their contributions and experiences, can, step by step, outline and open paths to develop science, technology and innovation guidelines that contribute to the well-being and progress of society.
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