Thinking about the pandemic: A socio-economic and ecological perspective
Covid-19; pandemic; socio-economic; ecology; global ecological crisisAbstract
What will our tomorrow be like, is a question that questions what we will do in post-pandemic time to avoid reliving or at least postponing this recent human experience of Covid-19. In these times there is little certainty of the answers we will get, hence the relevance of reflecting on the aspects involved in it, beyond its clinical, health or epidemiological approach. In this sense, this article aims to make visible, from a complex and transdisciplinary viewpoint, the socio-economic and ecological determinants of the pandemic, leading to a broader and more informed understanding and with which we can glimpse, from a critical stance, new meanings in the titanic task that lies ahead of us and that calls us today as a civilization, to overcome it. This work was developed as a process of construction of meanings through successive recurrent moments on theoretical, documentary and experiential information, passed through an interpretative-comprehensive-dialectical process that unfolded in phases or stages in the moments of problematization, analytical-interpretative, comprehensive, conclusive and propositional, moments that are recurrent and concomitant throughout the investigative process and converge in the thesis that we propose in this study. The thesis that we sustain is that what the human being thinks, plans and executes with a view to prevent the resurgence of epidemics or pandemics will have to include the socioeconomic and ecological conditioners that imply it, which recover meaning in a horizon that overcomes the global ecological crisis for the sustainability of life.
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