Praxeological and axiological aspects of prospective planning in experimental universities in experimental universities
Prospective planning, experimental universities, praxeology, axiologyAbstract
Universities as an academic space demand the rethinking of planning processes, being viable to achieve it with the evolution of knowledge, the participation of the university community and society, thus undertaking the resolution of problems and needs within the framework of institutional objectives and goals, considering their internal and external difficulties and their influence in the socio-politicalcultural context. The purpose of this research was to contrast the hypothesis: “planning management shows mismatches between praxeology and axiology in the planning management developed in experimental universities”, constituting as a starting point, and which will allow determining the categories in planning management. In this sense, and with an abductive orientation to establish the interrelation between the praxeological and axiological elements of planning, and its managerial action in the processes carried out by the experimental universities, and the work teams that work there, semi-structured interviews were applied. With the information collected, the data were processed and the results obtained were systematized, performing a multiple correlation analysis using SSPS software, for the construction of matrices and statistical tables to interpret and explain each of the study categories and perform hypothesis tests. The results show the lack of prospective scenario planning, a fundamental element in the strategic planning methodology. Therefore, the activities carried out should be reconfigured in the administrative process of planning, with the incorporation of foresight.
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