The coronavirus and the pandemic: A sociosymbolic chronicle


  • Victor Córdova Instituto de Altos Estudios de la Seguridad de la Nación “Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Antonio José de Sucre”
  • Amelia Linares Instituto de Altos Estudios de la Seguridad de la Nación “Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Antonio José de Sucre”


COVID 19; new world order; capitalist crisis; opportunity; Venezuela


This article addresses a referential geohistorical context that allows to re-signify and re-contextualize this phenomenon that affects the world reality and the daily life of our lives,  from a historical, sociological and qualitative approach. It reflects the interstitials of a global, deregulated and unparalleled system as capitalism has been, and the consequences it has left on countries that have adopted this system as the only way to do politics. At the same time, it contrasts with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and highlights the achievements that Venezuela has shown in its struggle to deal with COVID19 as a universal pandemic. It presents the Pandemic as the result of the global ills that haunt our peoples and projects it as an opportunity for global reordering, reformulation and reorientation of public policies that foster ethical, solidarity and revolutionary values that place human life as the supreme value.


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How to Cite

Córdova, V., & Linares, A. (2023). The coronavirus and the pandemic: A sociosymbolic chronicle. Observador Del Conocimiento, 5(1), 55–67. Retrieved from


