Venezuelan Governance in times of Covid-19



Governance; measures; pandemic; blockade; social management


This essay aims to present a series of reflections on the way in which governance has been exercised in Venezuela, in the midst of a global pandemic that has forced a different perspective on political and ethical decisions with collective implications. Starting from the very concept of the public to emphasize the terms of governance, the set of measures taken in Venezuela in the economic, social, political and international spheres since March 2020, in order to drive the destiny of Venezuelan during the pandemic defined by the World Health Organization, are analyzed. In this way, a fundamentally social governance is characterized, oriented to the human being and guarantor of rights; governance consistent with a development model and a socialist political model; values- based management, all in the context of a blocked country that resists the onslaught of capitalism prevailing in other latitudes. Based on the review and systematization of the facts (measures and context), during these two months of governance (March-April), the analysis of the figures is carried out and preliminary conclusions are stated on the impact of the decisions made, as well as reflections on the future of our society after overcoming the national and world emergency situation.


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How to Cite

Romero Hiller, G., & Pérez Valles, N. (2023). Venezuelan Governance in times of Covid-19. Observador Del Conocimiento, 5(1), 89–99. Retrieved from


