The Post-Covid-19 Life Paradigm: Another Necessary Science



Science, ecosystem, paradigm, life, health


The new Covid-19 pandemic forces us to a debate of a complex, multi-dimensional nature and with factors in permanent uncertainties, which lead to self-reflections and re-dimensions of our role, actions and co-responsibilities towards society and the future. This essay aims to raise, re-evaluate and configure the reflections relevant to the debate and solutions; it considers both the historical conditions in the theoretical elaborations and the paradigmatic reasons that help us to approach the problems and their answers; recognizes the meeting of the health paradigms that the Bolivarian government promotes and the strategies, dynamics, investigations, efforts and achievements, in fighting and stopping the Covid-19 pandemic, which reinforces with what we call the "Paradigm of Health and Environment for Life". Through descriptive-reflective strategies, and with great scope towards the deployment of the conceptualization and application of the ten basic factors integrating the referred paradigm, it advances in the ideas, proposals and dreams necessary for the consolidation of a National Universal Health System for Venezuela, at the same time that it outlines the necessary requirements for its growth and consolidation, and sets out concrete proposals for the development of the paradigm itself.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Núñez, Corporación de Desarrollo Científico Tecnológico-CODECI



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How to Cite

Ángel Núñez, M. (2020). The Post-Covid-19 Life Paradigm: Another Necessary Science. Observador Del Conocimiento, 5(2), 124–143. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación