Learning based on research for the production of knowledge


  • Gerardo Luis Briceño Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada Bolivariana-Núcleo Miranda


strategies, teaching-learning;, research, knowledge production


The teaching-learning strategies used in the academic practice by the Venezuelan university teacher, will influence the experience of their students in building, producing and disseminating scientific knowledge in the classroom. From this approach of understanding student learning, this teaching concern arises. Whose purpose was focused on demonstrating the applicability of research-based learning, for the production of knowledge in the curricular units of Methodology I and II in the undergraduate students in Disaster Management, UNEFANB Miranda, Los Teques. In this sense, inspired by the philosophy of Freire (2006), from the perspective of learning by discovery of Bruner (1972), with methodologies based on research learning by Boyer (1990), a process of construction and production of knowledge. The methodological procedure, part of the qualitative perspective of the researcher, designed in four phases: discovery, integration, application and academic teaching, applied within the context of the university, to groups of registered students that generated three research scenarios (University-Institution-Community ). The results obtained were very significant, creating  new research strategies derived from the systematization of academic processes towards the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge


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How to Cite

Briceño, G. L. (2023). Learning based on research for the production of knowledge. Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(2), 74–87. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/252