The influence of smart power in Venezuela


  • Hildemaro José Márquez Chacuto Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana


Intelligent power;, segurity, defense


The work is contextualized in the Theory Complex Interdependence (Nye, 2003) and its influence on the Security and Defense of Venezuela. This work aims to analyze the approaches of this theory and contrast it with the Venezuelan reality and in the international context to identify the strategies of this type of war. The analysis was based epistemologically on the Intelligent Power Theory (Nye, 2003), as well as on the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2000), Organic Law on Security of the Nation (2002) and the Organic Law of the Armed Forces National (2011). The work carried out has been documentary, descriptive or non-experimental, and the technique of data collection has been underlining and signing. For the analysis of the obtained data, the analysis and the contrast have been used. Among the conclusions derived from the work, the incidence of Intelligent Power in the Security and Defense of the nation stands out, through the attraction of the social phenomena promoted by the media; what affects the emotions and feelings of the people, what is derived in the participation of these events that have no other objective than to destroy public goods and services, the economic block and then move on to the next stage that consists of the military intervention in Venezuela through the Treaty of Intervention of Responsibility (TIAR).


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How to Cite

Márquez Chacuto, H. J. (2023). The influence of smart power in Venezuela. Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(2), 102–119. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación