The crafts as a representative social imaginary of the cultural heritage of the Lara state


  • Marilyn Gómez Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador UPEL-IPB


Artisanal culture, larense crafts, cultural heritage, social imaginary


The purpose of this essay is to study Larean crafts as a social imaginary representative of the cultural heritage of the Lara State, analyzing it from artisanal culture in Venezuela, until reaching the essence of knowledge as a social imaginary of Larean artisans. In that sense, reference is made to the definition of three fundamental concepts: artisanal culture, cultural heritage and social imaginary; Each of them is part of a cultural, social and community learning, born from the capacity of organization of a people, product of the inheritance transmitted by their ancestors from generation to generation, becoming a family business, which affects not only learning, but also in its economy, characterized by a series of craft representations projected at regional, national and international levels, with a collective imagination display; Hence, his cultural creation is forged in his community autonomy, with which he identifies his artisan work representative of the cultural heritage that emerges from the formation and awareness of its ancestral roots.


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How to Cite

Gómez, M. (2023). The crafts as a representative social imaginary of the cultural heritage of the Lara state. Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(2), 146–152. Retrieved from



Ensayos de investigación