Effects on health of misuse of electricity. conceptions of the teachers
Health;, electricity, teachersAbstract
The present work is part of a community project in which future teachers of mathematics and physics of the School of Education of the University of Zulia participate. One of the objectives of this project is to link the educational system, including teacher training, in the rational use of electricity, reasons and implications. This project is justified by the objectives of the Plan de la Patria (2013-2019). In this phase, the objective was to identify the conceptions that primary school teachers have about the health consequences of the misuse of electricity. Methodological guidelines for qualitative research were followed according to the descriptive-interpretative approach. We were based on the theoretical approaches of Didactic Content Knowledge. Ten primary school teachers from a public school in the Machiques de Perijá Municipality of Zulia State participated. For the collection of information, a questionnaire of conceptions and semi-structured interviews was used. The interviews were recorded and later transcribed for analysis. The validation process consisted of a workshop with the teachers where the preliminary findings were presented, among which we found that the teachers focus only on burns as the main effect on health, and state that they have unclear ideas about the subject. It was concluded that the concepts derive primarily from everyday knowledge, so it is essential to train teachers on the subject, so that they can include in the didactic sequences of the area health education, the effects of the misuse of electricity.
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