Teaching cooperative teaching resource comic type, for teaching and learning the content periodic table


  • Jharwil Ortega Experimental Pedagogical Liberator University
  • Teodoro Vizcaya Experimental Pedagogical Liberator University


didactic resource, comic, periodic table


The comic has traditionally been used as a didactic strategy for teaching and improving the literacy process, however it seems little recognized and used as a didactic resource for the teaching of mental processes and thematic contents in the area of chemistry. The general objective of this study was to design a comic-type didactic resource for the teaching and learning of the periodic table content, aimed at middle school students. According to the nature of the study, this work is part of the special project modality and is based on field research. The first phase of the study consisted of determining the need for the educational proposal, for which a diagnostic instrument type opinion questionnaire was used that was validated by expert judgment. The population was constituted by the students of 3rd year of basic education of the U.E.N. Oscar Picón Giacopini from the city of Agua Blanca in the Portuguese state. For the analysis of the information obtained, the use of descriptive statistics was considered. The second phase of the special project, consisted in making the prototype of the didactic resource under the graphic foundations of a comic-type cartoon that included a chemical element as a character and motivating driver of learning. As a last phase of the project, the comic prototype was validated as well as a series of complementary activities to the cartoon, which can be used as a didactic resource for teaching the aforementioned subject.



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How to Cite

Ortega, J., & Vizcaya, T. (2023). Teaching cooperative teaching resource comic type, for teaching and learning the content periodic table. Observador Del Conocimiento, 4(1), 83–94. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/275


