Bioethics Committees: Addressing Today's Bioethical Challenges
Bioethics, bioethics committees, research, society, scienceAbstract
This essay analyzes bioethics committees from their functionality and the arguments against them. A general review is made of the events that preceded them until 2001, the year in which their creation was decreed by the Organic Law of Science, Technology and Innovation (Locti). Since their inception, bioethics committees have been seen as bodies that impose decisions and bureaucratize science, which has stalled ethical-scientific progress for years, being there where institutions should be supported. Pluralism within bioethics committees is fundamental, as it enriches the debate of ideas and correct decision-making; if all members had the same training, what would be the point of expecting objectivity in their decisions? It is necessary to promote training activities in bioethics, since this would contribute to decision-making that would greatly improve the scope of these committees, which have been affected in terms of their merits and credibility. Likewise, it is essential that, once installed, internal and external evaluations of their activities are carried out on an ongoing basis. This, in order to guarantee transparency in their actions, and advance in the development of the confidence of these committees on the part of the researchers, and of the population, that may be affected in the investigations.
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