Towards a Critical University Pedagogy



Critical pedagogy, university, pedagogical knowledge, action research, ethics


The research aims to generate theoretical elements to support the implementation of critical pedagogy in universities, which contributes to the valorization of being and the making of critical pedagogy. The social historical journey is based on Paulo Freire's approach. The paradigm with which the investigative action is the socio-critical paradigm with the method of emancipative critical action research. The techniques used for information rescue were open and flexible using in-depth interviewing and triangulation to achieve the findings. The theoretical foundations generated were: Relationship theory and practice, Dialectical critical rationality, Contextualization of critical pedagogy, Development of collaborative deliberative action research and the éthics. All of which will contribute to the achievement of a being as an analytical, critical, reflective and logical biopsychosocial entity whose human capabilities are the basis for the development of its learning process.


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Author Biography

Pedro Pablo Astorga Andrade, Universidad Politécnica Territorial del estado Mérida (UPTM)

Pedro Pablo, Astorga Andrade
Universidad Politécnica Territorial del estado Mérida (UPTM) - Núcleo Bailadores
orcid: 0000-0002-1478-9204


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How to Cite

Astorga Andrade, P. P. (2022). Towards a Critical University Pedagogy. Observador Del Conocimiento, 7(1), 39–49. Retrieved from