Tic for production and change


  • Chipia Joan F. University of Los Andes


Information technologies, university education, critical thinking


This article aims to describe a qualitative research, by means of a learning experience based on Information and Communication Technologies as a support tool for the teaching/learning process, within the framework of the application, innovation and change that must exist in university education. This pedagogical practice was developed in the Chair of Introduction to Computer Science, during the B-2011 semester, at the School of Education of the University of Los Andes. This activity shows the significance of generating new educational paths to produce and create systematically through learning activities that seek to develop critical thinking, which was proven in the qualitative and quantitative results, and finally it is recommended that broader experiences are made that seek the integration of technologies to involve students in their future work activity.


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How to Cite

Joan F., C. (2023). Tic for production and change. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(3), 112–117. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/331


