Design of participative organizational model to speed up the management of civil works in the urumaco municipality municipality falcon state


  • Oneida F. Jordán Alonso Gamero University Institute of Technology
  • Henrry A Lovera Alonso Gamero University Institute of Technology


Model, participation, planning, mayor's office


The development of this research proposes a participatory organizational model to streamline the management of civil works in the municipality of Urumaco in the state of Falcon. The work was theoretically based on the description of the administrative models proposed for public administration and the Model by Objective and Result, Ossorio (2009), was selected, which is based on a process of situational strategic planning proposed by C. Matus (2002). The methodology used was field-based, a feasible project modality, taking a sample of 14 city hall officials and 16 members of the community councils, to whom a 12-question questionnaire was applied. The main result that was reached establishes that there is a great void because there is no participative model to guarantee the insertion of the communal councils in the planning, formulation of projects, execution and control of civil works. As a conclusion, it was explained that the elements that a participatory organizational model possesses to expedite the management of civil works in the municipality of Urumaco in the state of Falcón, are mainly oriented towards a series of techniques and tools that allow for the shaping of and response to the ideas and needs that are continually raised within any sector or activity that is developed in the context of a community, parish, neighborhood or urbanization.


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How to Cite

Jordán , O. F., & Lovera, H. A. (2023). Design of participative organizational model to speed up the management of civil works in the urumaco municipality municipality falcon state. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(3), 146–153. Retrieved from


