Socio-cultural diagnosis of segregation workers at "La Paragüita" landfill, Juan José Mora municipality, Carabobo state
segregationists, socio-cultural, social psychologyAbstract
In order to recognize the socio-cultural characteristics of the segregationists who develop activities in the "La Paragüita" Landfill, municipality Juan José Mora, state of Carabobo, a field evaluation was conducted identifying and comparing the process of grouping and leadership of the population based on the aspects proposed by Secor and Backman (cited by López.2007 ), related to social psychology, where it is stated that the influence is linked to the relationship that exists between two or more groups, was defined in social activity, the regularity in the feelings, thoughts and predispositions of the individual to act in relation to some aspect of their environment. The structure of society in which the relationship occurs, the links of possible influence on social organization, and the interaction of psychological processes were recognized. For the development of the research, data collection techniques based on surveys and direct observation were used, carried out in the area of work and coexistence of the group, which made it possible to recognize, as a result of the evaluation of the instruments applied, the social behavior, the capacity to obtain economic resources, habits, influences, characteristics of leadership and social power, with the purpose of distinguishing the socio-cultural entity from other existing social structures and to prioritize the possible actions to be executed in attention to the improvement of the quality of life of the group investigated.
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