Environmental interpretation trail in the community El Pizarral (Falcon municipality - Falcon state) as a strategy for biodiversity conservation


  • Edibeth J. Gómez National Experimental University "Francisco de Miranda". Falcon State
  • Domingo U. Maldonado National Experimental University "Francisco de Miranda". Falcon State


Interpretation trail, ecotourism, georeferencing GPS


The purpose of this research was the implementation of an Environmental Interpretation Trail in the community of El Pizarral, to be used for recreational, educational and ecotourism purposes, thus achieving the sustainable use of biodiversity, with conservationist criteria. A reconnaissance of the area was carried out, which included field trips, georeferencing with GPS, information gathering from interviews, and documentation with books and articles. Subsequently, the information on the interpretive resources was collected, which served as the basis for the design and construction of the trail. A 1.8 km trail was obtained, which can be walked in approximately 1 hour, with a linear and self-guided route. Along the path, varieties of lichens, 21 plant species, 7 bird species, 4 reptiles, 2 mammals, as well as invertebrate animals such as gastropods, arachnids and insects were identified. A lookout point and 5 interpretive stations were established, for each of which the respective interpretive signs were designed and built.  From the results obtained, it can be concluded that, in terms of length, travel time and number of stations, the trail is within the recommended standards for trail implementation. It also has a biodiversity that can be used by the community to propose recreational, educational and ecotourism activities that would increase the quality of life of the local population and at the same time promote the conservation of biodiversity.


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How to Cite

Gómez , E. J., & Maldonado, D. U. (2024). Environmental interpretation trail in the community El Pizarral (Falcon municipality - Falcon state) as a strategy for biodiversity conservation. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(2), 52–58. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/348


