Geographic information system of the Alonso Gamero University Institute of Technology, for the planning and management of physical spaces
Geographic information system, data bases, cartographyAbstract
This work was aimed at the creation of the Geographic Information System of the Alonso Gamero University Institute of Technology (SIG-IUTAG), so that the Planning and Institutional Development Division would have immediate access to the visualization of the different spaces it has, with special emphasis on the location, distribution, management and decision-making to enable the constant modernization of movable and immovable property and the positive use of multiple spaces in the present and future. It is a feasible project supported by documentary and field research, where information was gathered on the subject of study, then existing cartography was classified, then topographic surveys were carried out that gave rise to the updated IUTAG cartography, including differential GPS measurements; then the definitive Base Map was created, where IUTAG cartography is displayed on the cartography . CAD and Ikonos images of the city of Coro; then the Data Base was generated, containing qualitative and quantitative information about the 682 physical spaces raised and finally the GIS was designed using the ArcGis 9.x software. Thematic maps and geographic data obtained as a result are applications for planning and management of physical spaces, allowing to know where they are and what use the movable and immovable assets have, crucial for the correct development of the activities that are developed in the institution.
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