Echnology and innovation as an opportunity for education and sustainable development
Sustainable development, innovation technology, educationAbstract
The aim of this study is to develop the theme of innovation and educational technology. As an opportunity for sustainable environmental development. Based on a bibliographic review referred to some reflections on science and technology for sustainable development. Previously assessed at the Latin American and Caribbean regional workshop on science and technology for sustainable development (2002). Based on the opportunities and challenges that these terms entail for sustainability in the above regions and other educational and sustainability considerations. As tools for training, from which ideas and practices are generated, to achieve global objectives for the sustainable development of nations on The Agenda 2030. After referring to the aspects of the model of sustainable development from the Latin American perspective, a brief description was made from a European perspective, concluding that the sustainability paradigm is a complex problem that refers to the need to reform scientific and technological capability of the regions, and reorient actions from the endogenous, in a global partnership and exchange environment.
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