Web application process for census of community Council Community Haticos 2: Parroquia Cristo de Araninza , municipio Maracaibo


  • Alonso Huerta University of Oriente (UDO)
  • Julián Hernández University of Oriente (UDO)


web application, community census, community council


This project aims to develop a web application for the community demographic census process of the Haticos 2 Communal Council, Cristo de Aranza parish, Maracaibo municipality. It was based on the theories of websites, software engineering. For its realization, the process of registration of the demographic and socioeconomic census established in the Law of Communal Councils was analyzed, and for the development of the application the extreme programming methodology (XP) was used. This allowed the identification of technical, operational and information requirements, taking into account the demands of users and census regulations. In this order of ideas, Joomla! was used as a tool for the content management of the website and the PHP language with MySQL as a database manager. Once the research was completed, the results highlighted the absence of the use of ICTs in the process of registering the information obtained from the community census and the slowness of the generation of manually stored information, where a web application had to be developed. With its implementation, the Communal Council obtained in a fast and secure way the information required for the emission of reports with data about the needs and characteristics of the inhabitants of their community.


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How to Cite

Huerta, A., & Hernández, J. (2024). Web application process for census of community Council Community Haticos 2: Parroquia Cristo de Araninza , municipio Maracaibo. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(1), 19–27. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/365


