Technology Adoption In Pastures Farm System Double Purpose In The Valley Of Aroa, Yaracuy


  • Jorge Borges National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)
  • Mariana Barrios National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)
  • Espartaco Sandoval National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)
  • Yanireth Bastardo National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)
  • Darwin Sánchez National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)
  • Lisbeth Dávila National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)
  • Oswaldo Márquez National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA)


improvement, rotational grazing, pastures, forages, technological showcase


This paper analyzes the adoption of technology in the pasture system of 10 farms intervened under a project to improve dual-purpose livestock in the state of Yaracuy, during the period 2010-2011. The methodology used was based on the initial diagnosis of the existing conditions in the pastures and from this, an action plan was designed and implemented during 18 months oriented to the improvement of the deficiencies found; later, the impact achieved was evaluated. Among the evaluated indicators, the modulation of pastures (80%), rotary grazing (80%) and weed control (70%) stood out due to their high adoption percentages; then, the establishment of protein (50%) and energy banks (50%), fertilization (50%) and annual renewal of pastures (40%) were located. The indicators with the least changes achieved were the size of pastures (20%) and the frequent use of live fences (20%). Based on multivariate statistics (hierarchical cluster analysis), four groups of farms were defined according to the technological level achieved, G1: farms with low technological adoption (20%); G2: farms in technological transition (40%); G3: farms with high technological adoption (20%) and G4: farms with technological showcases (20%). When taking into account the high percentage of receptivity to change on the part of producers, the improvement of the pasture system within the farms can be considered of utmost importance.


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How to Cite

Borges, J., Barrios, M., Sandoval, E., Bastardo, Y., Sánchez, D., Dávila, L., & Márquez, O. (2024). Technology Adoption In Pastures Farm System Double Purpose In The Valley Of Aroa, Yaracuy. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(1), 82–87. Retrieved from


