Maximum Performance Assessment Mucilage Removable For Final Quality Cocoa Beans


  • Reinaldo Hernández Central University of Venezuela (UCV)
  • Priscilla Rojas Central University of Venezuela (UCV)
  • Clímaco Alvarez National Institute of Agriculture (INA)
  • Mary Lares Central University of Venezuela (UCV)
  • Alejandra Meza Central University of Venezuela (UCV)


Cocoa, mucilage, pulp


The cocoa mucilage is the pulp that surrounds the fresh cocoa beans and is of utmost importance as it helps the fermentation process of the beans. In this stage, a great part of the mucilage is lost by natural sloughing. Due to its usefulness and its high nutritional value, the partial extraction of this mucilaginous pulp was considered before the processing, in order to use it as a by-product. It was necessary to evaluate the effect of this extraction on the benefited cocoa bean. The extraction of the mucilage was carried out in different proportions: 15, 30 and 45% (v/v). At the same time, a control sample of fresh almonds was submitted to the benefit process without mechanical deburring. It was carried out the physical and chemical characterization of all the samples of benefited grains and they were compared with the control sample. It was determined the maximum extractable yield of mucilage that did not affect the final quality of the dry cocoa. Finally, it was concluded that the maximum extractable yield of mucilage was 30% (v/v) since no significant changes were observed in the final quality of cocoa beans.


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How to Cite

Hernández, R., Rojas, P., Alvarez, C., Lares, M., & Meza, A. (2024). Maximum Performance Assessment Mucilage Removable For Final Quality Cocoa Beans. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(1), 137–144. Retrieved from


