Indicators of social innovation in Venezuela communities and their main components
Social innovation, innovative components, community, industry, principal component analysisAbstract
Social innovation is a recently diffused notion in the Latin American region, it is possible to appreciate an increase of these innovations in the communities to respond to the diverse social problems that have not found an answer in the conjuncture of the XXI century. The objective of this study is to determine the main macro-characteristics that explain the construction of Social Innovation Indicators from the variability of its components in the context of Venezuelan communities. The method is of a documentary-bibliographic nature, institutional texts were selected from which 422 records were extracted, an approach was made to the factors to be considered as important through the technique of principal component analysis, synthesizing the data, relating them to each other, finally the main characteristics were derived defining the indicators, therefore, the original variables are correlated with each other, while most of their variability can be explained by two consistent components where they are estimated as indicators of social innovation: community-industry. These experiences of social innovation reflect an importance on the community and society both in the agri-food dimension and in forms of scaling and prototypes, fundamental to be sustainable in time, representing an alternative in search of solutions to social welfare. In synthesis, this binomial represents a contribution for the National Science and Technology System, allowing to contextualize and evaluate each innovation practice, in order to understand the notion, in the Venezuelan society, about the innovative vision.
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