Production of fermentable sugars by dilute acid hydrolysis of sugar cane bagasse


  • Manuel Abreu Libre Ejercicio Profesional
  • Oswaldo La Rosa free professional practice
  • Cintia Chandler University of Zulia
  • Cateryna Aiello University of Zulia
  • Zulay Mármol University of Zulia
  • Nercy Villalobos University of Zulia
  • Marisela Rincón University of Zulia
  • Elsy Arenas University of Zulia


Ethanol production, greenhouse gas reduction, dilute acid hydrolysis


Sugarcane bagasse is one of the most abundant agroindustrial wastes in Venezuela and is a possible alternative to satisfy the energy demand, being also of low environmental impact. In this research, the production of fermentable sugars by dilute acid hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse was evaluated, using sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at different concentrations and reaction times.


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How to Cite

Abreu, M., La Rosa, O., Chandler, C., Aiello, C., Mármol, Z., Villalobos, N., Rincón, M., & Arenas, E. (2024). Production of fermentable sugars by dilute acid hydrolysis of sugar cane bagasse. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 19–28. Retrieved from


