Hydrochemistry and geotermometry of the thermal waters of the Benitez Municipality state Sucre, Venezuela


  • José Benítez Eastern University (EU)
  • Aníbal Vallejo Eastern University (EU)
  • Mariceli López Eastern University (EU)
  • Maj Mostue Eastern University (EU)


Thermal waters, hydrochemical, geothermometry, municipality Benitez


The thermal waters are a resource that, in addition to increasing tourism, is used for the production of electric power. Twenty hot springs of the Benitez municipality were evaluated, to know their hydrochemistry and to estimate the temperature of the reservoirs, through the use of geothermometers, which use the chemical composition of the water that emerges. In the selected sources, "in situ" measurements were taken and water samples were taken at the point of emergence for further chemical analysis.


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How to Cite

Benítez, J., Vallejo, A., López, M., & Mostue, M. (2024). Hydrochemistry and geotermometry of the thermal waters of the Benitez Municipality state Sucre, Venezuela. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 29–38. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/437


