Verification of the species vanilla planifolia in the University Park, Terepaima, state lara and in the Vigía,Cerro Tomasote, state Bolívar


  • Florangel Díaz Lisandro Alvarado Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Luisana Bastardo Lisandro Alvarado Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Lué Marcó Lisandro Alvarado Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Leonel Sorondo Lisandro Alvarado Central Western University (LACWU)
  • Ronnys Ascanio Las Catiras Farm
  • Luis Marcó Las Catiras Farm


Vanilla planifolia, Tabure, Cerro Tomasote


Among the species of the Orchidaceae family, they stand out for their non-ornamental applications, those of the genus Vanilla, due to the production of vanilla and the high commercial value they have. On the other hand, the cultivation of plants of this kind is presented in a sustainable way, because it requires little soil and can be housed in trees or in combination with other crops.


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How to Cite

Díaz, F., Bastardo, L., Marcó, L., Sorondo, L., Ascanio, R., & Marcó, L. (2024). Verification of the species vanilla planifolia in the University Park, Terepaima, state lara and in the Vigía,Cerro Tomasote, state Bolívar. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 61–70. Retrieved from




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