Evaluation and comparison of the sensitivity of the primers that amplify genes msp2 and msp5 de anaplasma marginale for the diagnosis of the bovine anaplasmosis


  • Mariana Eleizalde Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Marta Mendoza Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Ely Gómez Eastern University (EU)
  • Armando Reyna Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University (SRNEU)


diagnóstico, primers, PCR, A. marginale, diagnosis


The bacterium A. marginale infects the erythrocytes in bovines, causing an anemic picture that affects the animal's productivity, being necessary the application of sensitive and specific diagnostic methods for the control and treatment of the disease. In this sense, molecular techniques have become an ideal tool for diagnosis, therefore, taking into account that in Venezuela the PCR technique has been developed using the primers 19A and 19B that amplify the msp5 gene of the bacterium and The recent design of the primers msp2A and msp2B, which amplify the msp2 gene, aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of both pairs of primers, as well as their potential for molecular diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Eleizalde, M., Mendoza, M., Gómez, E., & Reyna, A. (2024). Evaluation and comparison of the sensitivity of the primers that amplify genes msp2 and msp5 de anaplasma marginale for the diagnosis of the bovine anaplasmosis. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 71–80. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/444


