Redox design of vanadio y cell system with electrolyte flow


  • Keyla Márquez University of The Andes (UTA)
  • Olga Márquez University of The Andes (UTA)
  • Jairo Márquez University of The Andes (UTA)


redox cells, vanadium cell, cell with electrolyte flow, alternative energy


Interesting and promising results have been obtained in the evaluation of a vanadium redox static cell. It continues with the design and construction of an electrochemical reactor of parallel plates with electrolyte flow, simple design, simple geometry, low relative cost and long duration; the flow system that feeds it is also mounted.


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How to Cite

Márquez, K., Márquez, O., & Márquez, J. (2024). Redox design of vanadio y cell system with electrolyte flow. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 119–127. Retrieved from




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