Institutional and personal meanings of mathematical objects positions in play in the teaching process and learning of mathematics


  • Angélica Martínez Experimental Libertador Pedagogical University (ELPU)
  • Mario Arrieche Experimental Libertador Pedagogical University (ELPU)


Ontosemiotic approach, teaching of mathematics, cognition and mathematical instruction


The meaning that teachers and students assign to the different mathematical objects put into play in each study context; It can be an influential factor in the intensification of the existing problem in the teaching and learning of mathematics at all educational levels of the country. Given this situation, this research aims to identify, describe, explain, interpret and analyze the institutional and personal meanings of the mathematical objects put into play in the teaching and learning processes of mathematics.


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How to Cite

Martínez , A., & Arrieche, M. (2024). Institutional and personal meanings of mathematical objects positions in play in the teaching process and learning of mathematics. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 128–135. Retrieved from


