Preliminary hydrochemical evaluation of a aquifer system of a coastal sector of the state Miranda - progress


  • Soraya Silva Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (VISR)
  • Herve Jegat Inter-American Development and Research Center Environmental and Territorial (IADRCET))
  • Ricardina Diaz University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Lenis Prado Inter-American Development and Research Center Environmental and Territorial (IADRCET))
  • Fernando DeCarli National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH)
  • Haydn Barros Simon Bolivar University (SBU)
  • Paula Suarez Simon Bolivar University (SBU)
  • Daniel Sivira University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Jackson Ojeda Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (VISR)


Hydrochemical evaluation, aquifer system, climate change, sustainable development


 Groundwater was considered a protected resource against pollution, however, it has been demonstrated that aquifers can be affected by anthropogenic activities and by processes caused by climate and global change. The protection of them is essential to achieve the sustainable development of society. Under this concern arises this research with the main objective of characterizing hydrogeochemically an aquifer system in a coastal area of Miranda State, to evaluate its possible salt contamination or from another source, and to generate scientific information for the management and the integral and sustainable management of that resource. This is a project under development, so this article presents the progress made to date, which includes results on workshops and working meetings with the organized communities of "Oso Cotiza" and "Santa Ana Valle Seco"; as well as awareness programs about the importance of this valuable resource.


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How to Cite

Silva, S., Jegat, H., Diaz, R., Prado, L., DeCarli, F., Barros, H., Suarez, P., Sivira, D., & Ojeda, J. (2024). Preliminary hydrochemical evaluation of a aquifer system of a coastal sector of the state Miranda - progress. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(6), 172–178. Retrieved from


