Electrochemical studies for the deposition of CuGaSe2 using ions citrate as a complexing agent


  • Luigi Manfredy Universidad de los Andes (ULA)
  • Olga Márquez University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Jairo Márquez University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Yris Martínez University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Yanpiero Balladores University of the Andes (UTA)
  • Santos López University of the Andes (UTA)


semiconductor films, solar cells, electrodeposition


The Cu-Ga-Se electrochemical system was studied in 0.5M electrolytic medium of Na2SO4 at pH 2.5 and the influence of citrate ions on the deposition of CuGaSe 2 semiconductor films was studied. The studies by cyclic voltammetry show us a Cu-Ga-Se system complex, with a large number of processes involved in the formation of the film. Based on the voltammetric results, we attempted to synthesize CuGaSe 2 films, using the potentiostatic electrolysis technique, at different deposition potentials and using as electrolytic medium a solution containing: 0.01M SeO 2, 0.01M CuSO4, 0.02M Ga3 + and 0.05M citric acid dissolved in 0.5M Na2SO4.


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How to Cite

Manfredy, L., Márquez, O., Márquez, J., Martínez, Y., Balladores, Y., & López, S. (2024). Electrochemical studies for the deposition of CuGaSe2 using ions citrate as a complexing agent. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 19–32. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/479




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