Strategy to strengthen modes ofreasoning and associated capacity indagatory in students


  • Sergio Rojas Simon Bolivar University (SBU)
  • Orlando Serrano Experimental University of Guyana (EUG)


Reasoning, inquiry capacity, teaching-learning


The development and "emergence" of mental processes leading to the understanding of abstract concepts and the association of ideas that allow solving complex problems can take weeks, months and even years. But such ability can only be developed through teaching-learning schemes that stimulate it. Reaching this state requires that our modes of instruction surpass the requirement of simple memorization and repetition of facts or the forced execution of projects that, in the best of cases, only require the association of concepts that are half understood.With the aim of capturing reasoning schemes in university students, in order to study their modes of reasoning, we started this study with the design and application of a diagnostic test, consisting of an unstructured problem (different from those of the given type A find B) , although conceived according to the level of university knowledge.


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How to Cite

Rojas, S., & Serrano, O. (2024). Strategy to strengthen modes ofreasoning and associated capacity indagatory in students. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 89–96. Retrieved from


