Music as a strategy to improve the reading comprehension


  • Norys Ojeda Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (LEPU)
  • Adriana Sequera Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (LEPU)


Strategy, music, action research, reading comprehension


The objective of this research was to promote music as a strategy to improve reading comprehension in children of the Bolivarian School "Alicia Tremont de Medina", located in Punto Fijo, Falcón state. The investigation started with a diagnosis, made with the objective of reviewing the needs in the level of reading comprehension of children. It was based on a qualitative paragdima, particularly in a model of participatory action research. The techniques used in the diagnosis were direct observation and interview. The instruments were the estimation scale, the checklist and the verification table.The instruments were the estimation scale, the checklist and the verification table. The results obtained allowed to identify weaknesses in the reading comprehension of the students, especially in the interpretation of texts, analysis, synthesis and interpretation of morals.


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How to Cite

Ojeda, N., & Sequera, A. (2024). Music as a strategy to improve the reading comprehension. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 113–118. Retrieved from


